داستان آبیدیک

metal array


1 برق و الکترونیک:: آرایه فلزی

Frequency selective surface (FSS) is a robustly studied topic of electromagnetic (EM) science, which are two-dimensional periodic structures having planar metallic array elements (patch or apertures) on a dielectric substrate, exhibiting transmission and reflection at certain resonant frequency [2]. FSSs are usually designed by periodic metallic arrays of elements on a dielectric substrate and exhibit transmission and reflection characteristics at a certain resonant frequency. Mushroom structures are the class of FSSs that is designed to resonate at low frequencies as the distance between metal array element and a metal plane creates an inductive effect at microwave regime. FSSs are usually designed by periodic metallic arrays of elements on a dielectric substrate. [49], in which small metallic arrays are periodically printed in patch layer (capacitive mesh) on one side of a dielectric substrate.

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